AİHM başvuru sürelerini 15 hazirana kadar uzattı.
AİHM , 16 Mart'ta korona virüsüne karşı aldığı istisnai önlemleri uzattığını açıkladı. 6 aylık başvuru süresi, 16 Mart'ta bir ay uzatılmıştı. Süre, 15 Haziran'a kadar, iki ay daha uzatıldı. Başvuruların alınıp kaydedilerek incelenmesi, tedbir başvuruları ve acil işler devam edecek.
Av.Ramazan DEMİR
Extension of exceptional measures at the European Court of Human Rights
The exceptional measures taken by the Court from Monday 16 March 2020 onwards, in the context of the global health crisis, have now been extended:
- The six-month time-limit for the lodging of an application, under Article 35 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which had been exceptionally extended for a one-month period from 16 March 2020, is now extended for a further two-month period from 16 April 2020 to 15 June 2020 inclusive.
- The time-limits which had been allotted in pending proceedings, extended for a one-month period from 16 March 2020, are now extended for a further two-month period from 16 April 2020; however, this does not apply to the three-month period under Article 43 of the Convention for the filing by parties of a request for referral to the Grand Chamber.
The Court would point out that, in accordance with the confinement measures adopted by the host State, and by facilitating telework and electronic communication, its essential activities are continuing, including the registering of incoming applications and their allocation to the relevant judicial formations.
The procedures introduced to enable the ongoing examination of requests for interim measures under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court are also maintained.
ECHR 108 (2020)